Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Orange Cream Pop Tarts

In a world where the list of breakfast cereals includes things like Lucky Charms and Count Chocula, it's perhaps not that strange to see Pop Tarts as "breakfast" even when so many of their varieties, with their frosted tops and artificially sweetened fillings, are clearly "dessert." The pretense towards breakfast is particularly well abandoned by the new limited edition Orange Cream Pop Tarts, which depict the classic Creamsicle ice cream bar right on the box as a reminder of what the Pop Tarts are intended to taste like.

The flavor does match up fairly well, certainly as much as I think you can expect from a Pop Tart. I was more bothered by the filling, which with its neon orange color and particularly gooey consistency called to mind Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, or perhaps the product of an industrial accident. I quite obviously have no delusions that Pop Tarts aren't heavily processed, but I'm not sure I needed so stark a reminder.

Still, the concern here is first and foremost how they stack up as Pop Tarts. By that standard there's nothing really wrong with them; I'm not sure this was exactly the flavor I'd have chosen for the latest edition, but after years of little branching beyond berries, cinnamon and chocolate, I suppose the product line can deal with a minor shake-up. Personally I wouldn't buy them a second time, but I'm not dreading the prospect of dealing with three more packages in the box I bought either. They taste fine, and that's what counts. And if you're excited by the prospect of Orange Cream Pop Tarts, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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