Sunday, March 22, 2009

Starburst Sour GummiBursts

When I had the original Starburst GummiBursts some months ago, I was not a fan. The gummy was too tough and the liquid inside tasted like cough syrup. I'm pleased to report that not only do the Sour GummiBursts not have this problem, they're also actually fairly sour, something that isn't true of far too many candies bearing the name.

It's a little disappointing, perhaps, that they had to go with the sour sugar; Sour Starburst are one of the few products that don't and to my mind they're better for it. When it comes to gummy candy it's probably hard to avoid that tactic, however. Either way, the overall experience is a vast improvement over the original product - the gummies are much softer and the "juice" inside (which actually does contain some real apple juice, with artificial and natural flavors) is significantly better-tasting than its original counterpart.

The flavors might help as well. The original used strawberry, orange, cherry and lemon, and at least three of them just didn't taste very good. The sour version mixes it up a bit with green apple, orange tangerine, watermelon and strawberry, all of which manage to be pretty decent. I was a little disappointed that the juice itself didn't seem to have any additional sour kick, but the candy as a whole has a nice little bite to it, so I'll take what I can get. (Mars does have a tendency to get sour right - Sour Skittles and Sour Starburst are both good examples of the genre, more than just tangy without being quite as devastating to the mouth as the nevertheless delicious Jolly Rancher Screamin' Sours.*)

It's also nice that the bag is relatively small (just 1.5 ounces), so you can have one without eating so much sour that it wrecks your mouth for the rest of the day (Sour Skittles, at 1.8 ounces and with many more individual candies per bag, start to verge on this problem). I love sour candy, but as I age I just can't eat that much of it, so having a pretty good example of it in a pretty small size isn't a bad thing by my standards.

*A few years ago I bought a bag of Screamin' Sours at a Jewel in Lake County. The cashier, as she rang it up, said to me, "I hope these are for your kids!" They were not.

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